Wraptor A6200 Firmware Upgrade

Included in this update:
New Features
1.1.803195 - updates
• Dynamic Datetime support: Users can create labels with refreshable datetime stamp in Brady Workstation and save it on printer. The datetime stamps on the label will be updated to printer’s current datetime when printing.
• Ability to Import BWS files: Brady Workstation labels can now be saved to a USB flash drive and imported into the printer, without having to connect to PC.
• New user-friendly UI: The new “Files” and “Print” apps are more user-friendly and better support most common user workflows.
Known Issues
1.1.803195 -
• Datetime changes after upgrade from firmware 128136: When the printer is upgraded from current 1.0.128136 firmware to this new fw, the time on printer will change by about 8 hours.

Upgrade Instructions:
Download the WraptorA6200_Firmware_ver_803195.CAB file
Copy the file into the root of your USB
Insert the USB Drive into the printer
On the printer screen click on Upgrade in the Upgrade Popup Screen
The firmware will then be upgraded. Printer will restart after upgrade is complete

IMPORTANT: Due to Known Issues, after upgrading from firmware 1.0 to firmware 1.1, set the datetime on printer to the correct datetime. Once set, it will retain through power cycles and future firmware upgrades.
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Wraptor A6200 Firmware Upgrade